WebWorks Intl' Frequently Asked Questions
Are you looking for Web site design tips? Do you have questions about our services? Are you interested in increasing your competitive advantage by improving your business processes? Need some tips on how to prevent viruses and combat SPAM? Or are you just looking for some marketing tips? To find the answers you are looking for, please visit our Frequestly Asked Questions (FAQ) sections.
Some really basic information can be found below
What is the Internet?
The Internet is a collection of computers (called servers) scattered all over the world and connected together by telephone lines. The World Wide Web is a only one part of the internet The name ´World Wide Webb (WWW)´ comes from the fact that all these computers are linked together in a web-like fashion, the backbone. And each of these computers can store thousands of Web Sites.
What is a Web site?
A Web Site consists of starting page (Homepage) and several web pages. These pages are coded. The code that allows you to view the information on the page is called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The most current version is 4.0. This code can store other codes imbedded within its own code. The most popular are Java (SUN) and Active X (Microsoft). The strength of HTML is that it is independent of the sort of computer. This means that PC's as well as Macintoshes can read the same code. The codes is very simple: it contains links to graphics and other pages (with the use of "tags"), that are located on the same computer or a completely different one.
When you see a page on your screen, it came from a computer that could be located anywhere in the world. When you click on a link and receive a page, you don't actually need to know which Web site that page came from or where (geographically) that web site is located. Without doing any programming you switch from one computer to the other (surfing) en receive Web pages from all over the world by simply clicking on links with your mouse.
The HTML history
HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee while at CERN, and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed at NCSA. During the course of the 1990s it has blossomed with the explosive growth of the Web. During this time, HTML has been extended in a number of ways. The current version is called 4.0. HTML 4.0 extends HTML with mechanisms for style sheets, scripting, frames, embedding objects, improved support for right to left and mixed direction text, richer tables, and enhancements to forms, offering improved accessibility for people with disabilities. If you are interested in the syntax of HTML 4.0, you can find the information here.
Get responses with forms
Not only information can be placed on the Net, but also forms. Make use of forms to get responses from your clients. Forms can be used for:
- Information requests: answer questions that others may have
- Product ordering: expand your mail-order capabilities worldwide!
- Applications for employment
- Guestbooks and user feedback
- And many others...
Javascripts are some of the hottest things on the web today. These programs increase the interactivity of your web site by allowing navigation buttons to change when you click on them, include scrolling text, site hit counters, and many others. WebWorks Intl´ can provide you with anything that you need to spice up your site. Click here for more information.
Can I catch a virus while surfing?
Yes, but it is highly unlikely. Viruses cannot be transmitted via Web pages. The way viruses are transmitted is when files are transferred (downloaded) from one computer to another. When you download a file, there is always the possibility the file contains a virus. However, computer viruses can only exist in 'executable programs' or in macro's. Viruses do not travel with files consisting of text, picture or sound.
If you feel uncertain about viruses, download only files from people you know or install a virus checker (program that scan files on viruses). Virus checkers are available as stand-alone programs or can be integrated in your browser. For more information, click here.
Where can I find information on my favorite hobby?
This can be very tricky, even if you are familiar with search engines. The last few years the web is tremendously expanding, that it becomes more and more difficult to find the exact information you need. Try to narrow down your search by being as specific as you can. There are a lot of search engines to choose from. Here is a good one : http://www.google.com.
Once you are at a search engine....type in the hobby of your choice and hit enter.
Who is the InterNIC?
The InterNIC is the company who stores and administers all domain names and DNS (Domain Name System). Their web site address is http://rs.internic.net.
How do I register a domain name?
First, you must think of a name that best describe your site or company. Think of a few names, because the name you thought of might already been taken. Next you have to choose the kind of organisation: com stands for company or business, org for non-profit organization, edu for education or University, net for Internet network and gov for government organization. For more information on how to choose your domain name, click here.
What are the benefits of having a Web Site?
Advertising is the most important advantage when you want to expand your clientele. By being present on the World Wide Web, you expand your market enormously, (the whole world at your fingertips) with individuals with an average income in the mid 50,000 and up. And you can better support your customers: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without extra manpower.
There are some much ways of developing a Web sites as there are sand grains. When you want to develop a site you need the necessary tools, ranging from a simple graphic program to HTML, javascript, animated GIF, mapping, Java, etc... programming software and of course the manpower and the know-how. Keeping that in mind, you can see the importance of contacting a web designers studio, like WebWorks Intl´ that can give you the maximum benefit out of web presence.
What is an IP address?
People find information and share it with others on the Internet by means of addresses (sort of like postal addresses when you mail a letter). Any piece of information which can be found on the Internet has an address. Addresses are used to define the location of a computer connected to the Internet, or a file or piece of information on a computer connected to the Internet. Generally speaking, there are several types of addresses: e-mail, URL, and newsgroup.
E-mail addresses example: yourname@yourprovider.com.
You need an e-mail address in order to send and receive e-mail. URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are addresses used to identify various types of Internet sites including Web sites. If you are using Netscape to connect to the Internet, the address or URL of the site you are currently connected to is listed in the Location box at the top of your Netscape window. URLs start with http, https, news, ftp, or gopher. If you know the Internet address, you can type it in the location box at the top of your Netscape window and press Enter. Examples of URLs are:
When is the best time to develop a web site?
NOW! This is not an advertisement for us. A well thought out Web site will enhance your profits and customer relations. The multimedia contest and possibilities of web sites are developing at such a rate that the longer you wait the longer it will take you to build a state-of-the-art presence on the web. At the rate the Internet is growing you would be foolish to wait any longer than necessary to make yourself know to your soon-be-customers, expand your business and make cash money. Do it today! Do it now, with WebWorks Intl'. Click here to get started.
Do I need a computer?
No, you do not need a computer to have a World Wide Web-site. WebWorks Intl´ can do all the work for you, from planning, designing, programming, publishing and making your company known to the world. We can even host your site or find the appropriate host for you. But you do need a computer if you want to see and navigate through your web site.
How can I make money of my web site?
There are several ways of making money using the Internet. You can sell products or knowledge online. Sell advertisement like banners, provide coupons, display pay-per-click links to other companies, (not) directly related to your business.